Book Review #5 - Red Rover Red Rover


*clears throat* Sooo it's been a little bit. I did not forget about my blog, but I barely had time to breathe the last year. But we're back! And hopefully going to have regular book reviews! somebody scream at me if I stop posting again. And now, onto the review. 
Wow. This book has been on my TBR list for years. I finally put it on my birthday wish list a few months ago. Low and behold, someone bought it for me! Since then, I've read it. Reread it. And rereread it. Saying it is amazing is not enough. I could go scream its name from the rooftops. But I'm an introvert so we're not doing that. 
I loved all the codenames, the intrigue, the mystery, and the comedy! It is so wonderful to have a spy/comedy novel that is Christian and clean! It's like a breath of fresh air.

Author: Perry Elisabeth Kirkpatrick
Genre: Contemporary Fiction/Mystery/Adventure
Series: Yes, book one of The Accidental Cases of Emily Abbott
Time Period: Modern Day
Setting: Phoenix, Arizona

"He's a spy, and he needs her help...
Emily Abbott is working hard as a coffee barista in downtown Phoenix, keeping one eye on her tiny college fund and the other on the mysterious new guy with his profound lack of coffee-making skills. 
Just when she thinks they might be getting the hang of working together, she's abruptly thrust into his world of espionage and danger. Brent Peterson needs he help to keep Red Rover safe and the information he carries out of the wrong hands. But she's just a barista-what can she do?
Much more than she thinks."

(Summary is from the back of the book)

Emily Abbott- age 19
Brent Peterson
Writing Style: 
I love the writing style so much! It's written in third person from Emily's POV. The writing style is simple, yet beautiful and hilarious. It keeps your attention, has you on the edge of your seat, and keeps you laughing constantly. I love the clash between classic spy cliches and extremely unique spyishness. 
Character Development: 
There is not much character development yet due to it being the first book in a series. It mainly just introduces the characters, their jobs, their personalities, their likes and dislikes, and their quirks. 
Plot Development: 
The plot started slowly, introducing the characters while still keeping your attention. There were hints for what would come next but they weren't clear enough that you could actually predict it. 
Since it is the first book in a series, most of the plot sets up the action for the rest of the books. You learn about the characters and other important aspects while still having some action and mystery. 
Overall, I liked how the plot was formed. It was an excellent beginning!
Spiritual Content: 
Mentions of God, Emily prays, mentions of church
 Positive Content:  
Brent always wants to keep Emily safe, characters try not to lie despite their circumstances, 
Explosions, gunfire, fights, mentions of cursing but the actual word is not said 
Age Rating: 
Pre Teens:

Young Teens:

Older Teens:

Personal Rating:


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