Guest Book Review- Courageous Love

Hello everyone! Today we have a guest book review by Tori from Sweet Obsessions! She graciously offered to review one of her favorite stories!

Hey y'all! Thank you so much, Ella, for having me here! Today I will be doing a book review for one of my all time favorite books!

Title: Courageous Love
Author: Susan K. Marlow
Series: Circle C Milestones
Number in Series: 4/6
My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5/5 stars
Goodreads Overall Rating: 4.58/5 stars

Book Summary:
Andrea Carter is finally pulling her own weight on the Circle C Ranch she loves. The only thing she loves more than helping to run the ranch is spending time racing and stunt-riding on her horse Shasta, with the help of wrangler Riley Prescott. Little does she know that when she and Riley stumble onto a mysterious cut in the fence around her brother's prize calves, life is about to get far more exciting  and dangerous.
A cryptic warning tied around a brick crashes through the window at a family party. Then cattle begin to die. When the horse barn catches fire, Andi knows this is more than just coincidence. But who is trying to hurt her family – and why? Evidence begins to point to criminals from her brother Justin's past who want revenge. But that discovery may be too late to keep Andi and her brother's family out of danger. 
Now Riley is her only hope of rescue. Can he find her before she disappears from the Circle C forever?
About the Book: 
The fourth volume in the Circle C Milestones quartet, Courageous Love is high on action, danger, and drama, and full of appealing characters readers love. Andi's final adventure, sparked with a little romance, is sure to please Marlow's legions of loyal readers who want a happy ending for this frontier heroine.

My Thoughts: 
Literally.... Zero words. It never ever fails me. I can reread OVER AND OVER again and it just is soooooo good. I recomment 12+ for ages and literally can go as high as any age!
So much adventure and suspense that keeps you turning the pages!
The first time I read this book, I read it all in one day and in like 2 sittings. HIGHLY recommend so put this on your must reads list right now! 

Buy on Amazon
Buy the whole series at Circle C Store

Thank you again, Ella, for having me!

My pleasure! And thank you as well! But everyone, y'all should listen to Tori. Courageous Love is an absolutely amazing book! Definitely one of the best from all the Circle C series. Although I seem to hold the unpopular opinion that The Last Ride is better than this one.... 


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