Book Review #1- Raiders from the Sea

Book cover of Raiders from the Sea by Lois Walfrid Johnson. A girl and boy with blonde and red hair before a Viking ship. Green and gold background. The Viking Quest Series

The first book review of this blog is Raiders from the Sea by Lois Walfrid Johnson. This by far one of my most favorite books. Medieval Ireland, Vikings, main character who is close to my age... what could get better?

Genre: Historical Fiction
Publisher: Moody Publishers (2003)
Series: Yes, 1st book of 5 in The Viking Quest series
Time Period: 10th century
Setting: Ireland/Norway

When walking in the mountains near her home, Briana O’Toole rescues a young stranger from drowning, not expecting the consequences of her action. One terrifying day soon after, Viking raiders capture Briana and her brother, Devin. Together they sail towards slavery in faraway Norway. Their only hope of escape lies with finding a weakness in their captor, the arrogant Mikkel. When Devin is released, the two siblings must embark on separate journeys. Both of which require tremendous amounts of courage.
Can Briana and Devin find the courage they need, forgive their captors, and trust in God through this tragedy?

Briana (Bree)O'Toole- 13 years old
Devin O'Toole- 14 years old
Mikkel- 14 years old  
Writing Style: 
written in third person, switching between Bree and Devin's POV. Mrs. Johnson's writing style is simple but enchanting. Holds your attention with simple foreshadowing, deep emotion, and easy-to-understand language.
Character Development: 
This one is hard to answer since this is the first book in a series. In Raiders from the Sea, there isn't a lot of character development. It's more like character introduction. You meet the characters, you see their struggles and their hearts, and their personalities are developed, but they don't have that much personal growth. The characters are stretched but they don't reach the height of their conflict. Devin has the most character change-especially in his spiritual life. However, you see a lot more of that in the next book of the series. They are amazingly well developed dynamic characters who I think are extremely relatable. 
Plot Development: 
The plot of Raiders from the Sea is simplistically complicated. Since this is the first book in a long series, there are still many questions and conflicts raised that need to be answered at the end. The main idea of the story, being captured by Vikings, is a typical plot line for a book during the 10th century. But the events around that main idea are unique; the rest of the series expands to ideas and concepts that are not at all typical. The climax of the story is superb, yet simple. There isn't a definite "aha!" moment. It's more of a quite, gentle "there it was" in the hearts of the characters. The plot and story can't be described as intense, but it is still wonderfully enthralling.      
Theme of the Book: 
Forgiveness, trust in God, have "courage to win"
Spiritual Content: 
Briana and Devin are Christians and openly profess their faith. Bible verses are mentioned and Jesus Christ is called upon to still a storm. The Vikings believe in their Nordic gods. Mikkel wears a necklace of hammers for Thor. 
Positive Content: 
Briana helps the other captured children before worrying about herself and stands up for her faith. Devin vows to find his sister no matter what. Irish families take Devin in and show him kindness/generosity as he struggles to get home.  
Age Rating: 
Pre Teens:
Young Teens:
Older Teens:
Personal Rating:

Older teens may not find the story as captivating as a pre/young teen would.  



    1. ....
      Izzy, tell Doctor Hemshworthpickleshnot thank you XD

  2. I LOVE the Viking Quest series!
    I agree with your Personal Rating Ella


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