Book Review # 6 - The Nebula Secret


*bounces into the room and hands out ice cream sandwiches* Welcome! Welcome back and good afternoon! Or good morning... or evening... 
Well, we're back with a book that I was a bit obsessed with when I was thirteen. Looking back, I don't completely understand why. While it is an interesting read, with intriguing characters and a fascinating plot, it is unrealistic. The tech in the story is theoretically possible and being experimented with, but when perfected and placed all together it ramps up the level of unrealism. My problem is probably that I don't read much sci-fi... or any... 
However, the characters are lively and the plot is quick moving. I love the codes woven through the story! And while the tech is unrealistic, it is an extremely fun addition. And now, without further ado, the review!

Author: Trudi Trueit
Genre: Science Fiction/Mystery/Adventure
Series: Yes, book one of the Explorer Academy series
Time Period: Modern Day
Setting: Washington, D.C.

"Adventure, danger, and a thrilling global mission await 12-year-old Cruz Coronado as he leaves behind his home in Hawaii to attend the prestigious Explorer Academy, where he and 23 other kids from around the globe will train to become the next generation of great explorers. 
But for Cruz, there's more at stake. No sooner has he arrived at the Academy than he discovers that his family has a mysterious past with the organization that could jeopardize his future. In the midst of codebreaking and cool classes, new friends and amazing augmented-reality expeditions, Cruz must tackle the biggest question of all: Who is out to get him... and why?"

(Summary is from the back of the book)

Main Characters: 
Cruz Coronado- age 12
Emmett Lu- age 12
Sailor York- age 12
Writing Style: 
Written in third person from Cruz's point of view. 
The writing style is rather neutral in my opinion. There isn't anything that stands out as especially good or bad. It held my attention, fascinated me, but also sometimes annoyed me with either too much description or too little. 
Character Development: 
The character development is quite good. Even though it is the first book in a series of seven, by the end of the book the characters are extremely developed. Each character as their own distinct personality, likes, dislikes, strengths, and struggles. The side characters are also well developed with motivations and personalities.
Plot Development: 
The plot kicks off with a bang from the beginning. It almost shouts for  attention as a reader open the pages. After the first couple chapters, it slows down a bit, but not so much as to loose the reader's interest. The reader is left wondering "why?" as events occur and revelations appear. 
As it is the first in a series of seven, the reader does not learn everything they want to. They are left with more mysteries at the end of the book than at the beginning. But despite that, the characters have successes and failures, develop friendships, and begin to solve the mystery. 
Spiritual Content: 
mentions of religions of other countries/people groups, mention of heaven
 Positive Content: 
Friends stand up for one another, apologies are made, characters are punished for wrong behavior, loyalty, teamwork, believing in others, integrity
Attempted murder (Spoiler: multiple attempts were made to murder Cruz- by drowning and poison gas End Spoiler), lying for "the greater good", lying so the adults won't worry, bullying, a character gets shot with a laser, evil bad guys who are frightening 
Age Rating: 
Pre Teens:
Young Teens:

Older Teens:
Personal Rating:
Remove half a star for readers who are sensitive to reading scary situations/threats


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