Get to Know You Book Tag


*muffled rustling and tapping* 
*a loud creak*
*ceiling caves in* 
*Ella lands dramatically before you, cape swooshing* 
Hello everyone! 'Tis been a while, hasn't it? Only... two months, 16 days. A wee bit longer than I originally planned, but life didn't go according to plan. *clears throat* So, while I read a book so I can actually review a book, I have come to thee with a book tag that I stole from Sara at Baking Up Stories.
Let's get started, shall we?

Your favorite book of all times: 
*shrieks and hides under cape* not this question again! That is a physically impossible question to answer. There are so many amazing books! *laughs* But actually... There is one book that is far superior to any other. The Bible. Without a doubt, that's my favorite.

Your favorite book five years ago:
*hums thoughtfully* Five years ago... *brain fails* how old was I? Thirteen. Oh, yeah, that's easy. The Candymakers by Wendy Mass. Or The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart. I've read/listened to both of those over ten times each. I actually just reread them a few weeks ago...

Your favorite duology/trilogy series:
I feel like there are more that I'm not thinking of right now... But as of right now, favorite duology would be The Candymakers and its sequel. And favorite trilogy would be The Prince Warriors Trilogy by Priscilla Shirer. 

The last book you read:
*blinks* As in, last one I finished or last one I actually read words from? *shrugs* Last one I finished was A Memory Between Us by Sarah Sundin. *hugs book* It made me very happy.

The last book of poetry you've read:
*clears throat nervously and fidgets with cape* I-I actually never read poetry...

A book that most influenced your life:
Without a doubt, the Bible.

A book that made you cry: 
Last one that made me cry was The Prince Warriors and the Swords of Rhema by Priscilla Shirer. *looks away* That was eight years ago. 

A book that made you laugh: 
Last one I can remember literally laughing out loud was A Memory Between Us. The banter between characters in that was so funny! 

A character you'd like to be for a day:
The first one that comes to mind that isn't one of mine is Bree from The Viking Quest series. She has such astounding faith and trust in God despite all the hardships she goes through. And she's in Norway/Ireland which are two places I want to visit so bad! 

A book you did not finish:
All She Ever Wanted by Lynn Austin. *winces* It wasn't a bad book, in fact, it was really good. I just... forgot it existed...

A book you are excited to read: 
*bounces* The Luminous Life of Lucy Landry by Anna Rose Johnson! My mom gave it to me as a present and I've skimmed a couple pages and IT LOOKS SO GOOD AHHH *clears throat and assumes a professional tone* Ladies and gentlemen not that I think any gentlemen read this blog, but I don't want to leave you out just in case, you should most definitely go and purchase one of Anna's books right away. She is one of the most amazing writers on earth. Go. Do it. Now. *mumbles* andsheisalsooneofmywritinginstructorsonydubs but that is beside the point. 

Tag some bloggers:
*taps chin thoughtfully* I hereby nominate anyone who has eaten chocolate today or who has created a character who enjoys hitting people with frying pans.


  1. obviously the last book of poetry you read was Shuffler's Collected Wisdom.

  2. Nice! That's so funny, I did this same book tag! And we didn't get it from the same website 😅

  3. Ahh I see, my comments are awaiting approval. Welp, sorry for bombing your post with comments! 😂


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