

I'm so glad you decided to drop by!

You may be wondering a simple question: "Who is running this blog?" Good question. You probably wouldn't be encouraged by all the fictional stories I could make up about this blog. But we'll go with the actual truth.

My pen name is Ella Grace. I'm a eighteen-year-old Christian homeschooler who adores reading, writing, and crafting. I have dozens of stories which I've written and am writing. I constantly have at least three books I'm reading at once. I love to run barefoot through the grass, dance in the rain, stare at the stars, and dream of the future. Little things like chocolate, ducks, babies, flowers, and the smell of new books bring me the most joy. I have a passionate love for anything from the 40s and 50s- especially the clothing. Jesus is my life and I wouldn't know what to do without Him and the grace He has extended to me. 

I started this blog because of two main reasons: My love of books and the desire to share books with the world. Stories and words are my passion. Over the years, I've seen the books in libraries become increasingly dark, depressing, and hopeless. Lies and darkness are being planted in the mind of children and teens. God makes it clear that the battle takes place in our mind. I want to further God's kingdom by promoting through that line up with His truth. I want to bring light into one of the darkest areas of our world today: the literature for our youth. I want to bring books that spotlight God's redemption and goodness out of the shadows and place them back in the hands of children. Ever since I was little, God has gifted me with a vibrant imagination, a passion for stories, and an ability to spin words into something powerful. Our world has forgotten what true beauty is and it needs to remember. I want to help it remember.

The ratings for these books are based off four main things: story analysis, Christian values, negative content, and age suitability. Using those four main categories, I try to create an in-depth, honest review on the book which shows the positive and negative sides of the story. I hereby personally apologize to any author whose book I must give a low rating.

If you have any suggestions for book reviews or any comments, please let me know in the comments below! If you suggest a book, please make sure it follows the guidelines of Philippians 4:8 in regards to language, sexual, and negative content. I reserve the right to decline to review a book without giving a reason, but I will look into all requests and suggestions.

But that said, please do drop a suggestion below in the comments or fill out this form: link! It's sometimes hard to find books that are new and novel to review, so I'd love any help my readers can provide.

If you want to know my rating system and/or have any further questions, please click here: Rating System/Q&A. Actually, you really should. It's quite entertaining in my opinion.


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