Rating System/Q&A
Questions and Answers
Who are you and why do I trust you running this blog?
Excellent question. I am Ella Grace, although that is a pen name. I can tell you that Grace is my actually middle name. Ella however, not so much. I am the daughter of the King, love hanging out with my family, torturing my characters, sprinkling book quotes into my speech, talking in random accents, and petting cows. My passion is bringing Christ's light and hope into the world through stories. I have no good reason why you should trust me to be telling the truth, however for the sake of discussion, let us assume that I am.
So, what's up with the name of the blog?
*ponders thoughtfully* That is a very good question. I wanted something unique, like nothing I'd seen before on blogs. And wisteria is my favorite flower. And it is also a vital plot piece in my WIP. So, it kinda just... *waves hands* happened.
Rating System
What the ratings mean on this site are below... if there's a half star that means the rating is resting between two ratings. Please note that if you are below the age rating, proceed with reading at your own discretion.
I would not recommend this book to any age under any circumstances.
I would not recommend to this (age listed)
It was an okay book/might be okay for this (age listed)
Not the best book but it would be okay for this (age listed)
I really liked it/it is good for this (age listed)
It was an amazing book/great for this (age listed)
If you have any questions, please place them in the comments below and I will be happy to provide an answer! Seriously, ask questions. Seeing a comment on my blog makes me happy for at least two weeks.
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