Book Review #14 - Plan to Fail

Hello everyone!! I hope you're having a lovely day! 
I'm here today with Plan to Fail, the second book in the Accidental Cases of Emily Abbott series. I personally did not like this one as much as the first, however it was still good. I mean, it's spies. Spies are awesome. 
*brain fails*
Yeah, read it. I'm too tired to think of more words. 

Author: Perry Elisabeth Kirkpatrick
Genre: Contemporary Fiction/Mystery/Adventure
Series: Yes, book two in The Accidental Cases of Emily Abbott. Review of book #1 here!
Time Period: Modern Day
Setting: Phoenix, Arizona

"They're on a date... but not really..
When Brent asks Emily to be his date, she knows it doesn't mean anything. He has a mission requiring him to go undercover at a charity gala. After getting a makeover at his spy agency headquarters, she's ready to assume the role of an opinionated book reviewer from New York. 
The Gremlin is planning to steal and sell top-secret blueprints from the aerospace company for which he works. When Emily literally bumps into him at the gala, she is able to plant an ICS tracking chip on his glasses. But the Gremlin is smarter than they thought, and ICS finds themselves in the dark about his buyer. With time running out, and the sale imminent, Emily must rely on instincts and quick thinking to save the day."

(Summary is from the back of the book)

Main Characters: 
Emily Abbott- age 19
Brent Peterson
Writing Style:
Written in 3rd person, from Emily's POV. The writing style is simple, yet beautiful and hilarious. I love the clash between classic spy cliches and unique spy stuff. It's sweet yet entertaining.
Character Development: 
There's a little more character in this one. We starting learning more about Emily and Brent's personalities, likes and dislikes, and the things that make them the way they are. We get to see that Emily not only loves spies, but actually makes a very good one herself. 
Plot Development: 
The plot was a bit slow at the beginning, a lot of set up before any action. In my opinion, that's fine since it's a long series. It sets up more information that readers will need as the series goes on. 
However, it holds your attention and keeps you wanting to know more!  
Spiritual Content: 
Mentions of God, Emily prays, mentions of church
Age Rating: 
Pre Teens:

Young Teens:

Older Teens:

Personal Rating:


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