
Get to Know You Book Tag

  *muffled rustling and tapping*  *a loud creak* *ceiling caves in*  *Ella lands dramatically before you, cape swooshing*  Hello everyone! 'Tis been a while, hasn't it? Only... two months, 16 days. A wee bit longer than I originally planned, but life didn't go according to plan. *clears throat* So, while I read a book so I can actually review a book, I have come to thee with a book tag that I stole from Sara at Baking Up Stories . Let's get started, shall we? ________________________ Your favorite book of all times:  *shrieks and hides under cape* not this question again! That is a physically impossible question to answer. There are so many amazing books! *laughs* But actually... There is one book that is far superior to any other. The Bible. Without a doubt, that's my favorite. Your favorite book five years ago: *hums thoughtfully* Five years ago... *brain fails* how old was I? Thirteen. Oh, yeah, that's easy. The Candymakers by Wendy Mass. Or The Mysterious Be

Book Review #14 - Plan to Fail

Thoughts: Hello everyone!! I hope you're having a lovely day!  I'm here today with Plan to Fail, the second book in the Accidental Cases of Emily Abbott series. I personally did not like this one as much as the first, however it was still good. I mean, it's spies. Spies are awesome.  *brain fails* Yeah, read it. I'm too tired to think of more words.  Author:  Perry Elisabeth Kirkpatrick Genre:  Contemporary Fiction/Mystery/Adventure Series:  Yes, book two in The Accidental Cases of Emily Abbott. Review of book #1 here ! Time Period:  Modern Day Setting:  Phoenix, Arizona Summary:   "They're on a date... but not really.. When Brent asks Emily to be his date, she knows it doesn't mean anything. He has a mission requiring him to go undercover at a charity gala. After getting a makeover at his spy agency headquarters, she's ready to assume the role of an opinionated book reviewer from New York.  The Gremlin is planning to steal and sell top-secret blueprint

Once Upon A Time Book Tag

  Hello folks! Today we're doing something a tad bit different, for a few reasons. First of all, I had some people tell me that it would be cool if Wisteria Lane had some book related posts that weren't book reviews. And second, this was quicker than a full book review which was necessary for reasons that will be stated after the tag. And I get to tell y'all about more than one book at once!! So, we're here today with a book tag! *cheering*  I stole  found this tag from Lizzy at A Bit of Everything . And she got it from Tori at Sweet Obsession . Both of which are amazing blogs. Go, shoo, take a look at them. Then come back.  Alright, let's get started!!  ___________________________________ "Cinderella," a book that changed your life:  To me, this is a no brainer. God has changed my life in so many ways. I truly don't know where I'd be without His grace, mercy, and forgiveness. He's the one person who's always been there for me no matter wh

Book Review #13 - Sunrise

Thoughts: *bounces in, clutching book to chest* GUYS!  *calms down* So, I'm here to introduce you to one of my favorite authors ever. Yes, you're probably thinking something along the lines of "she's a book lover, so how many favorite authors does she have?" The answer to that: quite a few. But, Grace Livingston Hill actually is near the top of that long list of favorites.  Sunrise is such a good story! It's theme of trusting God during difficulties was a super helpful reminder for me in the last few years. I picked it up about 3 years ago, right when I first needed that reminder. I just read it once more, without remembering the storyline, and discovered it was exactly the reminder I needed.  I wouldn't say Sunrise is my favorite of Grace Livingston Hill's books, but it's still such a beautiful story. Anyway, you've heard my ramblings. Now for the rest of the review! Author: Grace Livingston Hill Genre: Romance/Historical Fiction/Mystery/Chris