Book Review #2- A Sparrow Alone

Today we have A Sparrow Alone by Alicia Petersen. Genre: Historical fiction Series: Stand alone novel Time Period: approximately 30 to 33 AD Setting: Israel Summary: "Two Jewish orphans living in a small village attempt to earn their livelihood in Roman-occupied Jerusalem. Mala sews for the wives of wealthy Roman aristocrats and watches in dismay as her brother, Abdon, becomes deeply entrenched in a life of crime. Then, suddenly, the whole village is rocked by the transformation of one of its residents- and the name that seems to be on everyone's lips." (The summary is from the back of the book) Characters: Mala- 17 years old Abdon- 19 years old Tahath- 19 years old Writing Style: written in third person, solely from Mala's perspective. At times the writing feels a bit strained, with prolonged pauses between words shown with ". . ." or lots of dashes, but overall, the writing is well done and intriguing. A Sparrow Alone had a quiet, simpl...